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ওয়ার্ল্ডপিডিয়া:Selected anniversaries/March 13: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

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ট্যাগ: মোবাইল সম্পাদনা মোবাইল ওয়েব সম্পাদনা
(কোনও পার্থক্য নেই)

০২:৩৮, ১৩ মার্চ ২০২৫ তারিখে সম্পাদিত সর্বশেষ সংস্করণ

ওয়ার্ল্ডপিডিয়া:Selected anniversaries/doc টেমপ্লেট:Divhide

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Blurb Reason
624 – Led by Muhammad, the Muslims of Medina defeated the Quraysh of Mecca in Badr, present-day Saudi Arabia. refimprove section
874 – The remains of Saint Nicephorus were brought back to Constantinople to be interred at the Church of the Holy Apostles. refimprove
1639Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was named after its first principal donor, clergyman John Harvard. Citations needed
1881 – Tsar Alexander II of Russia was assassinated near his palace in a bomb-throwing plot by Ignacy Hryniewiecki and three other revolutionaries. unreferenced section (Ancestry)
1884Mahdist War: Forces loyal to self-proclaimed Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad began a 319-day siege of a combined Anglo-Egyptian force defending Khartoum, Sudan. refimprove
1954Việt Minh forces under General Võ Nguyên Giáp began a massive artillery bombardment on the French military, beginning the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, the climactic battle of the First Indochina War. Citation needed for date
1962Lyman Lemnitzer, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, presented to the Secretary of Defense a false flag conspiracy plan, Operation Northwoods, intended to create public support for a war against Fidel Castro and Cuba. Too much uncited
1997 – A series of unexplained lights appeared in the skies over the US states of Arizona and New Mexico, and the Mexican state of Sonora. refimprove
Odette Hallowes |d|1995 refimprove section
Hee Seo|b|1986 birth date failed verification
Benjamin Mountfort |b|1825| Citation needed

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Notes[উৎস সম্পাদনা]


March 13: Fast of Esther (Judaism, 2025)

British attack on Cartagena de Indias
British attack on Cartagena de Indias
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