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টেমপ্লেট:Main Page interwikis: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

From ওয়ার্ল্ডপিডিয়া, the free encyclopedia
+ Volapük Wikipedia
reflecting Albanian reaching 20,000, hope I got the order right...
১ নং লাইন: ১ নং লাইন:
<includeonly>[[simple:]] [[ar:]] [[id:]] [[ms:]] [[bpy:]] [[bs:]] [[bg:]] [[ca:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[et:]] [[el:]] [[es:]] [[eo:]] [[eu:]] [[fa:]] [[fr:]] [[gl:]] [[hr:]] [[is:]] [[it:]] [[he:]] [[ka:]] [[ko:]] [[lb:]] [[lt:]] [[hu:]] [[nl:]] [[ja:]] [[no:]] [[nn:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[ro:]] [[ru:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sr:]] [[fi:]] [[sv:]] [[th:]] [[vi:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]] [[vo:]] [[zh:]]</includeonly><noinclude>
<includeonly>[[simple:]] [[ar:]] [[id:]] [[ms:]] [[bpy:]] [[bs:]] [[bg:]] [[ca:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[et:]] [[el:]] [[es:]] [[eo:]] [[eu:]] [[fa:]] [[fr:]] [[gl:]] [[hr:]] [[is:]] [[it:]] [[he:]] [[ka:]] [[ko:]] [[lb:]] [[lt:]] [[hu:]] [[nl:]] [[ja:]] [[no:]] [[nn:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[ro:]] [[ru:]] [[sq:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sr:]] [[fi:]] [[sv:]] [[th:]] [[vi:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]] [[vo:]] [[zh:]]</includeonly><noinclude>
This template contains interwiki links for the [[Main Page]].  Only Wikipedias with at least 20,000 articles and a minimum depth of "5" are included.  When adding sites to this list, please also update [[Template:Wikipedialang]].
This template contains interwiki links for the [[Main Page]].  Only Wikipedias with at least 20,000 articles and a minimum depth of "5" are included.  When adding sites to this list, please also update [[Template:Wikipedialang]].

০৩:৩৭, ২৫ এপ্রিল ২০০৮ তারিখে সংশোধিত সংস্করণ

This template contains interwiki links for the Main Page. Only Wikipedias with at least 20,000 articles and a minimum depth of "5" are included. When adding sites to this list, please also update Template:Wikipedialang.

ca:Plantilla:Portada interwikis es:Plantilla:Portada:Interwikis ia:Patrono:Altere paginas principal lo:ແມ່ແບບ:MainPageInterwikis th:แม่แบบ:หน้าหลัก-ลิงก์ข้ามภาษา