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ওয়ার্ল্ডপিডিয়া:Selected anniversaries/March 12: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

From ওয়ার্ল্ডপিডিয়া, the free encyclopedia
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5 events can be listed
১১ নং লাইন: ১১ নং লাইন:
*[[515 BC]] - Construction of the '''[[Temple in Jerusalem]]''' was completed.  
*[[515 BC]] - Construction of the '''[[Temple in Jerusalem]]''' was completed.  
*[[1913]] - '''[[Canberra]]''' became the capital of [[Australia]] (known as Canberra Day).  
*[[1913]] - '''[[Canberra]]''' became the capital of [[Australia]] (known as Canberra Day).  
*[[1928]] - In [[California]], the failure of the '''[[St. Francis Dam]]''' killed 400.
*[[1940]] - The '''[[Moscow Peace Treaty (1940)|Moscow Peace Treaty]]''' was signed, ending the [[Winter War]].
*[[1940]] - The '''[[Moscow Peace Treaty (1940)|Moscow Peace Treaty]]''' was signed, ending the [[Winter War]].
*[[1968]] - '''[[Mauritius]]''' achieved independence from the [[United Kingdom]].
*[[1968]] - '''[[Mauritius]]''' achieved independence from the [[United Kingdom]].

১৭:৪৫, ৭ মার্চ ২০০৪ তারিখে সংশোধিত সংস্করণ

On March 12:

Ruins of the St. Francis Dam
Ruins of the St. Francis Dam

Recent days: March 11 - March 10