টেমপ্লেট:Other areas of Wikipedia: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

Reverted to restore the desirable space. What benefit do we derive from the table's removal?
৬ নং লাইন: ৬ নং লাইন:
*'''[[Wikipedia:News|Site news]]''' — Announcements, updates, articles and press releases on Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.
*'''[[Wikipedia:News|Site news]]''' — Announcements, updates, articles and press releases on Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.
*'''[[Wikipedia:Local Embassy|Local embassy]]''' — For Wikipedia-related communication in languages other than English.
*'''[[Wikipedia:Local Embassy|Local embassy]]''' — For Wikipedia-related communication in languages other than English.
{{Uncategorized template|type=|date=December 2007}}